Sketch design

Prior to commencement of the building construction, it is necessary to understand how the facility will look like after completion of works. The general concept, ideas and critical decisions of design engineers are embodied in the sketch design - a kind of visual representation of future construction. At the stage of sketch designing the following is performed:
- area calculation and facility configuration;
- creation of its style and image;
- development of auxiliary elements, if necessary;
- selection of building and fit-out materials.
Sketch design development
Sketch design is a complex creative process not possible to implement in a quality manner without a professional team, having an individual approach to any facility of any complexity. The result of this work is decisive for the final appearance of the facility as a whole.
At the stage of sketch design development all client suggestions and proposals are taken into account: the specialists can adjust rough designs, offer various solutions to the client’s tasks. While it is impossible to build anything by sketch design, it provides an opportunity to scrupulously consider every detail, to analyze the concept and come to the desired result.
On the sketch design of a country house, manufacturing facility or office it’s possible to see the premises, door and window openings location, color solutions in several variants. Construction of major facilities is impossible to imagine without preparation of sketch design documentation: in future it will help to avoid many difficulties during planning, erection and maintenance of the building.
The sketch design price
The sketch design price depends on the facility complexity and its area. It is important to remember that this primary documentation allows to estimate the approximate budget and to shape requirements to the following design stages. The better the sketch design is developed, the less will be the client’s waste of time and financial expenses in future.
Ordering a sketch design, the price of which varies depending on the professionalism of the performers, it’s necessary to keep in mind that this phase of work is one of the most important ones. That's why for this work it is better to attract experienced companies with portfolio and recommendations from previous clients. The sketch design helps both the client and the design engineer to get a complete picture of the facility in progress, to determine the construction cost estimate, as well as to choose the most suitable variant for the working design.
The table below shows the cost of sketch design development by Int-Ext specialists.
Int-Ext Company Services | Unit | Price in Rubles Including VAT |
Interior sketch architectural design | m2 | from 100 |