Fire Extinguishing Systems Design

Automatic fire extinguishing systems are a set of interconnected equipment, needed for detection of the flash point in the initial stage of the fire and its timely removal. Properly developed plan of the fire extinguishing system helps to protect people and material values, that are in the room, and to minimize the financial damage caused by emergency.
Fire-fighting appliances
Currently, there are several options for the fire extinguishing systems design, the choice of which is dependent on the technical requirements of the building, the type of premises, its functional type and possible risk factors.
- Fire water supply. One of the traditional fire-fighting methods is using a special water system with hydrants. Water is collected from the general water supply system with constant or variable flow. Underground hydrants are installed in wells, the surface once are executed in the form of a column with connection to a single water main. From hydrant the water is piped to the fire boxes in the premises: here the cranes are installed, to which the fire hoses are attached. To extinguish the fire the latch valve is being opened.
Sprinklers. Installation of an automated fire- fighting or sprinkler system is a more modern popular option for the fire extinguishing design development. The sprinkler fire suppression system is the best when it’s needed to ensure fire safety in confined spaces and a rapid neutralization of the local fire outbreak.
Sprinkler is a spray head, which is mounted in the fire suppression system. It has a thermosensitive bulb, usually filled with alcohol, which bursts at a predetermined temperature, for example 68° C. Depending on the technical requirements and the area fire danger level, the sprinkler design may provide for different number of sprinklers. In large buildings there is always a fire fighting pump station for pumping more water, as it is consumed, and the pressure drop in the system. - Gas installations. In the data processing centers, server and cross-connect rooms there are installed specialized gas fire extinguishing systems that help to save the expensive equipment from damages from water in the event if the extinguishing system operates.
The design documentation for fire extinguishing systems installation include:
- the explanatory note;
- the layout of system elements;
- the axonometric scheme;
- the full specification of the equipment and materials used.
Int-Ext specialists have the necessary permits for SROs and carry out the whole range of works of any complexity on fire-extinguishing systems designing.