Design of Warning and Evacuation Systems

Warning and evacuation systems are complex technical solutions to inform the people on site about an emergency situation, fire and evacuation ways from the building, and also they are a key element of fire safety system. One of its main functions is evacuation management and prevention of panic that can lead to casualties.
The warning design concept is developed on the basis of fire protection system regulations SP3.13130.2009 (for newly commissioned facilities) and in accordance with the requirements of Fire Regulations 104-03 (for the facilities commissioned until 2009).
Warning design specifics
Depending on the functional type of the building, the sizes of warning zones and calculated average number of people inside the building during the day, it is selected the type of a system, required for the design development, namely:
- light and sound alarm;
- light and sound alarm with activation of direction signs;
- light and sound alarm with direction signs and voice announcement;
- light and sound alarm with direction signs, voice announcement and scenarios for each zone;
- light and sound alarm with direction signs, voice announcement and scenarios for each zone with full automation of evacuation control.
The warning system sub-function is its activation with playing background music, informing employees or visitors about current events and news.
Warning and evacuation systems design includes:
- an explanatory note;
- floor plans with location of the sound, voice and light alarms;
- functional schemes;
- detailed specification of equipment used in warning and evacuation systems.
When designing warning system the specific features of the location of possible combustion zones, scenarios of emergency situations initiation and development, the conditions for the safe evacuation of people are allowed for.
Importance of high-quality design
Int-Ext Company offers comprehensive warning design solutions with capacity to integration of Warning and evacuation systems into the general site safety. Application of new technologies and a wide range of equipment allows us to perform designs of high complexity and efficiency. It is feasible approval of the Warning and evacuation systems by the relevant authorities.